
Vicia faba Predicted microRNA-targets

* Please select your interested "microRNA Id" (e.g. miR815 ) from microRNA Id drop-down menu "required"
* Please enter your interested "Vicia faba Target EST Name OR Id" (e.g. v.faba_CSFL_reftransV2_000015 ) in the Target EST Name\Id field "Optional"
* Please enter your interested "Protein Symbol" (e.g. G7JFF5 ) in the Protein Symbol field "Optional"
* Please enter your interested "EST Description OR Gene product" (e.g. Zinc finger CCCH domain ) in the EST Description/Gene product field "Optional"
* Customize all options, then press "Search" button to get your results.

Vicia faba microRNA-targets Markers

* Please select your interested "microRNA Id" (e.g. miR815 ) from microRNA Id drop-down menu "required"
* Please enter your interested "Vicia faba Target EST Name OR Id" (e.g. v.faba_CSFL_reftransV2_000015 ) in the Target EST Name\Id field "Optional"
* Please enter your interested "Protein Symbol" (e.g. G7JFF5 ) in the Protein Symbol field "Optional"
* Please enter your interested "EST Description OR Gene product" (e.g. Zinc finger CCCH domain ) in the EST Description/Gene product field "Optional"
* Customize all options, then press "Search" button to get your results.

microRNA Statistics